A hackerrank like portal to hold coding competitions during the Techfest of IIIT Sri-City
This portal was developed during Aug-Dec 2018 in order to host internal contests of Techfest in IIIT Sri City.
This portal can be used for live contests as well as a practice ground for trying past questions.
Everytime the user submits code for a problem, following steps take place
- The system spawns a docker container and mounts a volume containing the user submitted code and test cases
- Multiple subprocesses are spawned and the code is run against each test case parallelly
- As the test cases complete running, results are stored in shared local db in the host system
- The results are reflected back to the UI in real time as the subprocesses complete
- As soom as all the test cases complete running, the spawned docker containers are destroyed
- The compiled results are stored in the db
Some pictures of the project :

Project Repository:
Collaborators: @BHARATHS0101 , @arminp17 , @NikhilMunna , @Thoyiba